What a workweek! I still need to fulfill the SWAP rule to use fabric purchased from Julie at Timmel Fabrics. I purchased several yards of black wool blend. 80%wool 20% poly . It is not fabric I have sewn before. It is lightweight, and has a soft surface. But because of the poly, does have a lot of drape. I have been looking for inspiration for a garment to incorporate into my work wear SWAP. This week I found 2 inspirational garments in current issues of fashion magazines. The first is a Oscar de La Renta blouse. It is black with flounces edged in white. I have always loved flounces edged in a contrasting color. I think it goes back to a favorite childhood party dress. It was white with a four tiered skirt. Each tier was edged in red. My mom had made it for me. I had waist length wavy brown hair and I looked good in that dress! I have a lot of happy memories of outfits my mother sewed for me and the exquisite Christmas party outfits she sewed for herself. Someday soon I plan to write her a letter telling her about these memories and what they mean to me. Anyway I digress. The second inspiration is a Carolina Herrera dress, black with ribbon trim on the front and collar. Shortly after I saw this picture, I was trolling for bargains in my local Big Lots store, and in the scrap booking section, I came across spools of 1/4" ribbon is 4 colors that coordinated with my swap. And slightly wider faux leather strips with rust zigzag stitching. It is hard to see in the photo, but Carolina used zigzag stitched trim on her dress. Searching through my pattern stash, I found Vogue blouse pattern 7063, which has the styling needed to create the black center front band. It all fell in place. Tomorrow morning I will cut it out. Right now it is time to watch "What not to Wear"

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